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  • What do all those flags mean?
    Glad you asked! Here at Messer Arena, we believe in honoring those who serve. This includes all branches of our armed forces, as well as our first responders. Flag of the U.S. Army: Flag of the U.S. Marine Corps: Flag of the U.S. Navy: Flag of the U.S. Air Force: Flag of the U.S. Coast Guard: POW (Prisoner of War) - MIA (Missing in Action): Flag of the U.S. Merchant Marine: Law Enforcement: Fire Department: Dispatch: Armed Forces:
  • Can I bring my dog?
    Dogs are not allowed at Messer Arena. The reason for this is for the safety of our visitors and their horses, and to maintain cleanliness. Dogs are prone to spooking horses, and this would pose a threat to the participants of our events. Thank you for keeping your dogs leashed by your vehicles. We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.
  • What if I require the use of a service animal?
    Registered service animals are welcome at Messer Arena, however, they must be clearly marked as so. Also, please have documentation on hand for our staff to review. We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.
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